Q: What should I wear?
A: In general avoid plaid, feather boas, and nosegays. Spats always look sharp, but can take a beating on some trail surfaces. Excessive sequins after Presidents' Day can look tacky, but do offer a welcome respite from overcast skies.
Q: Are there any requirements to join the group?
A: Strong of leg and weak of mind are sufficient. Beer for everyone is always welcome.
Q: Is any special equipment required?
A: A flask of good whiskey will get you out of most predicaments, or leave you not caring about the outcome. A tuning fork is useful for the a capella outings.
Q: Are there any discussion topics I should avoid during the walks?
A: In principle we are against everything. It is usually wise to avoid raising the following issues: who was hotter on Gilligan's Island, Tina or MaryAnn, anopheles mosquites (other species acceptable), bubblegum pop's contribution to the rock genre, Pancho Villa, the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind, phrenology (except in months without an "r"), the TV housewives of anywhere, advanced techniques in soapstone carving, and jam.
Q: How do I address the other members of the group?
A: "Route Overlord" is appropriate for Paul. Most others can be addressed by their nicknames: Spike, Hondo, Nails, Buttercup, Hannibal, Mr. Creamcheese, etc.
Q: May I suggest a hike?
A: Sure, although it will likely be ignored, just like everything else you say.
Q: What is the origin of the group?
A: Possibly pre-Cambrian or Devonian, but no one really knows.
Q: Why is this a men's only group?
A: A mixed gender outing would significantly limit the number of off-color jokes Chuck tells, and would necessitate silent flatulence. Besides, we look terrible in heels.
Q: What if I can't remember everyone's names?
A: We would welcome individually customized shirts provided gratis by a new member, but members would likely forget to wear them, well, pretty much every time.
Q: What is the group's pace like?
A: Most members stroll, but a few prefer to perambulate, sashay, saunter, meander, or promenade. Moseying is strongly discouraged.
Q: If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many flapjacks will it take to shingle a dog house 4 x 4 x 4?
A: S = k log W, where W is the square root of the distance between earth and moon at the time of the winter solstice, k is number of number of natural ingredients in Cheetos, and log is a trail obstacle occasioned by high winds.
A: In general avoid plaid, feather boas, and nosegays. Spats always look sharp, but can take a beating on some trail surfaces. Excessive sequins after Presidents' Day can look tacky, but do offer a welcome respite from overcast skies.
Q: Are there any requirements to join the group?
A: Strong of leg and weak of mind are sufficient. Beer for everyone is always welcome.
Q: Is any special equipment required?
A: A flask of good whiskey will get you out of most predicaments, or leave you not caring about the outcome. A tuning fork is useful for the a capella outings.
Q: Are there any discussion topics I should avoid during the walks?
A: In principle we are against everything. It is usually wise to avoid raising the following issues: who was hotter on Gilligan's Island, Tina or MaryAnn, anopheles mosquites (other species acceptable), bubblegum pop's contribution to the rock genre, Pancho Villa, the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind, phrenology (except in months without an "r"), the TV housewives of anywhere, advanced techniques in soapstone carving, and jam.
Q: How do I address the other members of the group?
A: "Route Overlord" is appropriate for Paul. Most others can be addressed by their nicknames: Spike, Hondo, Nails, Buttercup, Hannibal, Mr. Creamcheese, etc.
Q: May I suggest a hike?
A: Sure, although it will likely be ignored, just like everything else you say.
Q: What is the origin of the group?
A: Possibly pre-Cambrian or Devonian, but no one really knows.
Q: Why is this a men's only group?
A: A mixed gender outing would significantly limit the number of off-color jokes Chuck tells, and would necessitate silent flatulence. Besides, we look terrible in heels.
Q: What if I can't remember everyone's names?
A: We would welcome individually customized shirts provided gratis by a new member, but members would likely forget to wear them, well, pretty much every time.
Q: What is the group's pace like?
A: Most members stroll, but a few prefer to perambulate, sashay, saunter, meander, or promenade. Moseying is strongly discouraged.
Q: If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many flapjacks will it take to shingle a dog house 4 x 4 x 4?
A: S = k log W, where W is the square root of the distance between earth and moon at the time of the winter solstice, k is number of number of natural ingredients in Cheetos, and log is a trail obstacle occasioned by high winds.